From the ashes of decay rises a new breed of heroes to protect a city in transition. From two hero’s struggle with understand of each other, to the formulation of a league of justice, and battles with a common nemesis. Michigan photographer Travis Stevens from Travis Stevens Photography was able to document the story with his trusty Olympus OM-D EM-5 camera in hand and armed with the 12 – 40mm 2.8 PRO lens, watch as this story unfolds.
Amongst the abandoned Detroit, MI locations of the Lee Plaza, St Agnes Church, and the Fischer body plant 21, heroes amegred to overtake the ruthless villain, The Joker.
Two superheroes who were unknown to each other meet on the roof top of the abandoned Lee Plaza, they fear that each is there to harm their beloved city. Knowing that each has emence powers that could enflic harm, an onsite battle emerges. With a back and forth power struggle, and battle of whits, the two come to an understanding that each had the same views of protecting the common man.
From the shadows a new vilian makes his presence know, The Joker is a vial criminal who is nothing but hatred inside. As he approaches Batman and Robin, he attaches causing harm to Robin and Batman stands idel.
Batman and Robin regroup and confer with Superman on their next plan of attach against the Joker
More heroes will be needed to confrunt the Joker again, so together Batman, Robin, and Superman enlist The Flash and Green Lantern. To form a Justice League of heroes to stop the Joker once and for all!
Met by the newly formed Justice League the Joker realizes that to have a chance at defeating the Justice League he must make a call for more villains….but will they come?
Until then, Batman and Superman will work together to rid evilest villains from the new Detroit.